Our Story

It is a long established fact that a reade.

Certified Teachers
Happy Students
Complete Courses

” Education is the most powerful weapon for changing the world “

Welcome to JSK English Academy.

Jazmine and Simon Kim, Founder



똑똑하고 열정적인 영어 선생님과 함께 재미있게 영어 실력 향상!

JSK 잉글리시 온라인 아카데미는 학생 중심의 수업과 맞춤형 학습 계획을 통해 당신의 목표 달성을 돕습니다.

JSK English Online Academy는 필리핀 출발 신설 기관으로 학생들의 욕구를 충족시키기 위해 최선을 다합니다. 우리는 학습자들에게 생산적인 수업을 제공하여 영어로 말하는 능력을  향상시키는 데 최선을 다합니다.

JSK English Online Academy is a newly built institution from the Philippines that caters to the needs of the students. We strive in giving learners a class full of productivity, making them flourish in their speaking prowess.

This academy is made up of smart, skillful, and enthusiastic individuals who are passionate about teaching. Our certified teachers love what they do, providing the needed attention, support, and supervision to develop skills and gain knowledge of the subject matter.


최고의 온라인 영어 학습 플랫폼, JSK 잉글리시 온라인 아카데미!



    • 스카이프와 줌을 통한 1:1 동영상 수업: 재미있고 상호작용적인 개인 수업으로 빠르고 효과적으로 영어 실력을 향상하세요.


    • 모든 레벨 대응 맞춤형 과정: 초급부터 고급까지 다양한 수준의 수강생들에게 맞는 맞춤형 커리큘럼을 제공합니다.


    • 포괄적인 실력 향상: 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기, 듣기 의 네 가지 주요 영역 모두 균형 있게 발전시키도록 돕습니다.


    • 월별 평가 및 피드백: 매달 정기적인 평가와 개인 피드백을 통해 지속적인 성장을 유도합니다.


    • 열정적인 인증 교사진: 친절하고 숙련된 교사들이 학생들의 언어 여행을 함께합니다.



JSK와 함께, 자신감 넘치는 영어 구사를 실현하세요!


One of the best online learning platform there is, JSK English Online Academy aims to improve students’ English skills. We maintain a high-quality teaching providing students with fun and interactive one-on-one video classes through the use of Skype and Zoom.

We’ve been helping learners of all levels grasp the knowledge which is vital to be a competent English language speaker. With various courses offered, we help in enhancing the reading, writing and speaking abilities of the students. Moreover, a monthly evaluation is given at the end of the month to evaluate their progress and performances.

Meet Our Teachers

" A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and wisdom "


T. Ivy

ESL Teacher

Name: Ivy R. Tuquib Major: Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education Major in English •...


T. Jane

ESL Teacher

Name: Noemi Jane D. Reyes Major: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English *A...

Leira 3

T. Leira

ESL Teacher

Name: Charisma Leira Aguilar Major: Bachelor of Science in International Tourism and Hospitality Management...


T. Remily

ESL Teacher

Name: Remily Jel Arena Major: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Math *A Master’s...


T. Kaye

ESL Teacher

Name: Claire S. Canlas Degree: Bachelor of Arts in English Major in Language and...


T. Maddy

ESL Teacher

Name: Madel Eligan Major: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English *A Licensed Teacher...


T. Jessel

ESL Teacher

Name: Jessel Paglinawan Major: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English *A Licensed Teacher...


T. Con

ESL Teacher

Name: Concepcion V. Quirante Major: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Science *A...